20130121 @ Monday, January 21, 2013
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Every word is like shooting stars.
(Note; I did not fall in love nor did I out off it. I just felt like it.)
Anyways, hi.
Listening to Terrified by Katherine McPhee.
Looking at my Tumblr dashboard and I see this image.
"Is it okay to like you?"
For me, it seem like a very strong sentence.
When I fall for someone, so deeply, so hard, I shall ask him.
Hahaha, I cannot suppress my inner romanticist.
She's trying to break free.
I'm terrified.
In some ways, I am asking for approval.
Cause LOVE is ambiguity.
Cause LOVE is full of uncertainties.
And, I am very much afraid of that.
I only say it cause I mean it.
I only mean it cause its true.
Please do the rules:
- No spamming--no no no!
- Don't talk rudely--don't don't don't!
- I like nice people--
if you need meh to follow your blog back--ask it nicely and i'll think about it~